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The physical conditioning aspect of the martial arts is infamous; the attitude, determination, focus and perseverance has been admired by many for years and the enviable speed, strength, flexibility and dexterity seemably incomparable on a number of counts. Fitness and conditioning in any activity, sport related or not, can be categorised in a number of different ways, for simplicity, and from a variety of sources, I have identified the following components of fitness –  HEALTH Related Components Strength Flexibility Speed Muscular endurance Body Composition SKILL Related Components  Co-ordination Balance Agility Power Many of the components overlap during training and performance...

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The one element that truly unites all martial arts is the systematic application of learnt skills in a self-defence scenario. Whether it be in the form of blocking and striking styles, parrying and trapping methods or control and restraint training, all tuition offers a platform for self-protection. Much has been written and discussed on the current issues and subject of self-defence, street safety,awareness and anti-social behaviour. Unfortunately, the need for self-defence and protection skills are rapidly becoming as essential as learnt skills of reading, writing or swimming. Not everyone possesses the personal confidence, skills and self-assurance needed to stand up to an aggressor...

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There are fewer personal and physical components that are revered more than that of POWER. It is well documented that few of us ever reach our full technical and physical potential and some suggest that the average person uses only 10 to 20 percent of their true 'power' potential – the martial arts can provide an opportunity to unlock this potential. As with any physical exercise component, power can initially be determined by personal size / weight, age or gender but in every aspect - it can be conditioned and developed. The use of that weight, as well as body position...

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